"In the early 1920's all the land North of
Woodland Street was Subdivided into building
allotments. By 1928 quite a number of homes had
been erected and the Strathmore Progress
Association, realizing the necessity for primary
educational facilities approached the then
Minister of Education, Mr. H. J. Cohen M.L.A., by
way of a deputation suggesting a site in Bournian
Avenue, North of Grammar Street be secured.
The Department considered the request premature
and nothing eventuated. The Progress Association
continued its efforts over the years but, due
principally to the period of depression, 1930
-1935, no tangible progress was made.
In 1938 a deputation comprising Cr Lockart,
President of the Shire of Broadmeadows, together
with Crs W. H. Henshall and E. E. Hughes and
representatives of the Progress Association, was
introduced by Mr. J. C. Dillon, M.L.A. to the
Minister of Education, Sir John Harris, with a
request that a School be provided for the
district. The Minister made it quite plain that
unless the necessary land was presented to the
Department, he could not consider a school. To
Quote the words of Sir John Harris - "You provide
the land and we will provide the school".
The district was now growing rapidly, at a rate
of approximately 100 houses each year. There were
many young children having to walk long distances
to Essendon and Keilor Road schools and the matter
was regarded as urgent by the residents.
Broadmeadows Council, realising nothing was likely
to eventuate unless the land was secured, decided
to borrow money to obtain the approximate four
acres required at an approximate cost of
2500 pounds. Upon completion of the land
purchase the Councillors again waited on Sir John
Harris, asking for a school to be erected on land
to be donated to the Department. The Minister, in
reply, denied that he had previously promised or
even implied that a school would be provided.
Mr J. C. Dillon M.L.A. for Essendon, was untiring
in his efforts to have this unfortunate situation
rectified but it was not until 1942, when Sir
Albert Lind was Appointed Minister for Education,
that any substantial progress was made. When the
whole position was placed before the Minister by
Dillon, his interest and sympathy were quickly
obtained and he personally inspected the area in
December 1942. He promised early action to see
that the district had a school with all possible
In May 1943 advice was received from the Minister
that finance had been arranged and the plans were
in the course of preparation. Eventually tenders
where called for a brick building of four
classrooms and a Head Teacher's office. In late
1943 a contract was let to Mr Wilson, a builder of
Bacchus Marsh, and the building was expected to be
ready about the middle of 1944. Due to wartime
conditions, causing shortages of manpower and
materials, considerable delay occurred and the
Department officials decided to commence the
school on 5th September 1944, with the building
still incomplete.
Mr Cerchi was appointed temporary Head Teacher
with two lady assistants, 42 pupils enrolled.
Teaching was carried on under extreme difficulties
until the completion of the building works in
February 1945.
The permanent Head Teacher, Mr. D. Griffin was
appointed in 1945 and the enrolment was
approximately 80 and growing steadily. After many
years of frustration and disappointments,
residents and parents were entitled to expect that
it was now only a matter of consolidation for
the success and growth of the school but this
was not to be.
On November 28th, 1945 the building was burned
out and completely gutted with only the brick
walls left standing. This was a bitter blow to all
connected with the school after the many
difficulties in becoming established during
wartime. The children and staff were housed
temporarily at the Essendon State School where,
fortunately, there was spare accommodation.
The rebuilding of Strathmore State School was
again a slow and tedious job and it was not until
the end of 1946 that it was restored.
In 1948, after representations by the School
committee, the Education Department purchased an
additional six building blocks making the total
area up to approximately five acres.
At the commencement of 1948 the enrolment was
approximately 200 and the committee requested the
Department for extensions. Two more classrooms
were added as a result. From this time on steady
growth took place.
The forthgoing resume covers the period up to the
end of 1948, whilst the various incidents and
happenings have been dealt with in a brief manner,
it is not an exaggeration to say that the
difficulties encountered in the establishment of
the school during war-time were terrific.
Those connected with the present day school
should be thankful for what they receive. When
Strathmore No. 4612 was finally established the
parents were grateful to get a building with desks
and blackboards together with staff. The School
Committee had to start from there but the students
responded magnificently in the raising of funds
for those amenities so necessary for the proper
functioning of a school. Fetes, bazaars, house
functions,dances and family nights to hurricane
and tilly lamps all helped raise fund and at the
same time, to weld the staff, parents and children
into one happy family.
There were no roads built and no prospect of any
construction during wartime. In winter the black
mud was terrible and the school floor was
permanently black. There was no electricity;
indeed there was only six houses in the whole area
south of Hayes Road. The school site had been
chosen as the centre of the future development of
the area and the early inhabitants had to accept
this fact.
After the fire all the work had to start over
again. All of this during war - time when
practically everything was restricted or rationed.
It is only those who lived through that period who
can visualize the difficulties encountered."