About StrathmoreStrathmore is a suburb of Melbourne and is located 10 kilometres to the north west of the central business district of Melbourne. The suburb is primarily residential in nature. Here are some facts about the suburb and the people who live there. (These figures are from the 2006 census.) Area - 7.44 square kilometres. Population (2006) - 8,548. Number of Private Dwellings - 3,286. Percentage of dwellings owned or being purchased by occupant - 82% Percentage of households with one or more vehicle - 89.6% Percentage of households with three or more vehicles - 19% Percentage of Population with Bachelor degree or higher - 23% TrendsHere are the trends over the last six census.
MapsLocation of Strathmore in relation to the Melbourne Metropolitan Region.Map of StrathmoreThis information is from the information sheet, "Suburbs in Time - Strathmore" sheet, produced by the Department of Planning and Community Development. Check out the sheet for more interesting facts. (This is a Excel spreadsheet file. MS Excel or Open Office required.) . |